Privacy Policy

LifeCare respects your privacy.

Thank you for visiting the website.

LifeCare Compounding Pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy owned and operated in Australia under ACT Compounding Pty Ltd.

We respect your privacy and we are committed to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ("Act") and the Act's Australian Privacy Principals ("APP"). In addition, we are bound by and committed to the privacy of health records as contained in Health Legislation in every state.

What is our privacy policy?
Our privacy policy sets out how and why we collect your personal information, how we use this information and to whom the information may be disclosed.

Please take a moment to read this policy. By using and submitting information to us you agree to our use of your personal information ("Personal Information") in accordance with this policy. You agree that we may use all Information you provide to us in accordance with this Policy as amended from time to time.

What type of information does collect and how do we collect it?
We collect Information given by you in order to more effectively provide services to you.


Private or personal information is defined by the Act and is essentially information or an opinion about a person who is reasonably identifiable ("Personal Information")

The Personal Information we collect will not be supplied by us to any other party, save as in accordance with this policy or the reasonable requirement of any law or regulation.

The type of Personal Information we may collect from you includes information such as the following:

Name Allergies Address Conditions Doctors contact details Date of Birth Weight Medication Sex

Your Patient Profile, which we ask you to enter for purchase of certain products and services is also Personal Information and is required for the following reasons:

to enable you to order prescription medications from us online; to ensure that products you purchase from us are appropriate for your healthcare to ensure that we provide you with health care services of the highest quality; to ensure that these products will not cause any potential interactions with other drugs, allergies or health conditions that you may currently take or have; to ensure that we abide by all laws and regulations regarding the sale of our products and services to you.

If the Personal Information we request from you is not provided, it may affect our ability to provide the products and services to you.

How does disclose your Information?
Your Personal Information will only be disclosed in a manner consistent with the APP.

How do I make a complaint?
LifeCare will use its best endeavours to ensure the privacy of your Personal Information. If you have any questions, queries or complaints, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail us at

LifeCare Compounding Pharmacy
8/1-3 Universal Way
Cranbourne West
Vic 3977

Complaints received will be taken seriously and the outcome will be relayed to you in a timely manner. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 1300 363 992. reserves the right to review and amend this policy from time to time and will notify you of any amendments by posting an updated version of the policy on this website.